IDИмя пользователяProblem IDNameState
1189852 shodmonov_davron0077G. Split and sortPython 3.7Runtime error #1
1189850 Shomuratov_XusniddinG. Split and sortPython 3.7Runtime error #1
1189847 xudayshukurovAzizbekG. Split and sortPython 3.7Runtime error #1
1184904 Sobirjonov_IkromjonG. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
1180416 Mohira_jbnuuG. Split and sortGNU G++17 7.3.0Accepted
1178085 Abdumumin_jbnuuG. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
1176681 Abdumumin_jbnuuG. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
1176675 Ibrohim_jbnuuG. Split and sortGNU G++17 7.3.0Accepted
1176040 alisherozodovG. Split and sortGNU G++17 7.3.0Accepted
1175024 dur_1G. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
1175023 liliymeG. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
1160877 Abdulaziz07G. Split and sortGNU G++17 7.3.0Accepted
1145379 Xolmurodov_ShohruzG. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
1097648 MrichG. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
1096024 OzodbekabdurahmonovG. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
1058695 Matnazar_941-22G. Split and sortGNU G++17 7.3.0Accepted
1046222 NarzullayevMeG. Split and sortGNU G++17 7.3.0Accepted
1032331 Aslbek_IbodullayevG. Split and sortGNU G++17 7.3.0Accepted
1031767 Uyasobod11G. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
1016206 KRDevG. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
997430 Donald_TrumpG. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
997428 justlivefreeG. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
997071 Bilol_004G. Split and sortPython 3.7Accepted
997031 jakhongir111G. Split and sortPython 3.7Wrong answer #6
997005 Donald_TrumpG. Split and sortPython 3.7Wrong answer #6